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Spiritual Development
& Ascension Mentoring

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“Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life.” 

- Buddha


One Hour Session - $85

Ready for More?





Join the

Ascension Connections Sacred Membership!

​​​​​​​Choose from three levels of support designed to meet you exactly where you are on your journey.

The spiritual path can often feel like a lonely and isolated one, but it doesn't have to be that way. With the proper support behind you, you can find the freedom to tap into your unlimited potential and return to your authentic self, journeying back to who you are as a divine soul. 

In our non-denominational spiritual development and ascension mentoring sessions, we'll help you change your habits, challenge your beliefs, and refocus your perspective so you can anchor into a life full of joy, love, and abundance. We'll serve as a guide as you rediscover your own inner wisdom, step into your personal power, and remember your own divinity.

Some areas of spiritual study might include:


Unity versus Separation Consciousness
- Manifestation and Law of Vibration

- Practicing Gratitude
- Forgiveness Practices
- Mirroring

- Shadow Work

- Ego Integration

- Discerning Ego vs. Intuition

- Journeying Through A Dark Night of the Soul

- The Ascension Journey


Some areas of general ascension coaching might include:

- Self-Love
- Nourishing Relationships with Others

- Living the Creative Life

- Discovering Your Life Purpose
- Overcoming Trauma and Illness

- Healing Emotional Wounds

- Balancing Work, Life, and Spirituality

Are you experiencing a Dark Night of the Soul? Have you had your spiritual awakening or are you finding yourself journeying through the Ascension process? Are you in need of some loving guidance when it comes to relationships, jobs, or other life stressors? Our spiritual development and ascension mentoring services help those seeking additional support on their spiritual life path. We'll talk through challenges, concerns, and triggers as they arise and look at your spiritual life path from a higher perspective. We'll end each session with a chakra clearing to leave you feeling refreshed, renewed, and reinvigorated as you journey forward. 


Spiritual Development and Ascension Mentoring sessions are available through Skype or Zoom.

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