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The Lion's Gate portal is an annual astrological alignment of the Earth, Orion, and the star Sirius, our spiritual sun, that peaks during Leo season on August 8. These energies gain momentum starting in late July (enhanced by the Sirius gateway when the Earth's sun conjuncts Sirius in early July) and can be experienced until mid-August.


The Lion's Gate is considered one of the most powerful manifestation portals of the year and creates an open doorway of higher consciousness that has ripple effects on our individual and collective physical worlds. The energy that we align with during this time has the potential to create the next phase or chapter of our life, especially as we embrace our sacred embodiment.


We've been channeling powerful energies for the Lion's Gate portal for many years. Together in our workshop, we'll once again connect with Lyran energy through meditation and Light Language to clear out old, residual energy and anchor in crystalline light codes that will help us collectively shift to new frequencies and connect to higher timelines.


We'll also channel the importance of this gateway and the impact our energy has on manifesting our individual and collective reality in this present time as well as look ahead to what's being created. This channeling may apply to both sacred unions as well as ascension in general. Finally, we'll explore some exercises to make the most of this magical gateway.


Join us for this workshop on Sunday, August 4 to connect with Lyran energy and integrate light codes to raise your frequency and anchor in higher timelines!


- A Zoom replay will be available to those unable to attend the live session.


- A Soul Session replay package, which includes a remastered workshop replay and additional support resources, will be available for public purchase after the workshop.

- Those who register for the live session will have free access to the Soul Sessions replay package, including the remastered workshop and additional support resources.


- Registering for the live workshop offers a discount in comparison to purchasing the Soul Sessions Replay Package later.


By selecting this option, you are agreeing to reserve your spot for the Soul Sessions Workshop: Sacred Union Empowerment Session. No refunds will be given once the reservation is complete. If you cannot attend the live workshop, a replay will be available to you. Workshop content channeled by Susan Dawn Spiritual Connections may be repurposed and packaged for other programs.

Soul Sessions Workshop - Lion's Gate Sacred Integration

  • By selecting this option, you are agreeing to reserve a spot for a Susan Dawn Spiritual Connections, LLC Soul Sessions Workshop. No refunds will be given once the reservation is booked. If you cannot attend the live session, a recorded replay will be available.

    Soul Sessions workshop content channeled by Susan Dawn Spiritual Connections may be repurposed and packaged for other programs.

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