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What is Spirituality?

Susan Dawn

This meme the biggest yes I’ve ever yesed. 🙌

Spirituality is personal. Spirituality is about becoming your authentic self—remembering who you truly are on the soul level. Spirituality is about raising your vibrations to a higher paradigm of love for yourself that then expands to others—and loving yourself means being true to yourself and accepting yourself in whichever way that looks to you.

Like to collect crystals? Cool. Me too. Into yoga? Awesome. It’s a great way to stay healthy.

But don’t follow these practices just because you think you need to in order to become more highly evolved. Because then you’re just following the masses’ idea of spirituality. Then you’re just another sheep in tie-dye clothing.

Like to swear like a sailor? You are still a spiritual being. Like to speak poetry? You are still a spiritual being.

Like to wear cardigans and fashion jewelry and those gorgeous boots you got on sale? You are still a spiritual being. Like to wear environmentally-conscious clothing? You are still a spiritual being.

Like to eat scrumptious food and occasionally indulge in that sweet tooth? You are still a spiritual being. Like to eat raw fruits and veggies? You are still a spiritual being.

Spirituality is not the words you regurgitate. It’s the song your own soul sings.

Spirituality is not the clothes you wear. It’s expressing yourself and showcasing who you are from the inside out in all your splendor without thought to others’ expectations or preconceived notions of who they think you should be—in whichever way YOU choose to do that.

Spirituality is not the food you eat. It’s being mindful of how you feed your body and soul while still consciously appreciating and enjoying the pleasures that this abundant life has to offer, however that means for you and what your body craves.

Spirituality is personal. It’s not what you do. It’s who you are, and the life that you create and what you do, how you act, is a direct expression of your own soul.

When do you feel happiest? When do you feel most like yourself. Step into that energy. Do that. Be that.

So shine bright and be your own soul-self, however that feels best for you.

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