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Susan Dawn

The Next Evolution of SDSC!

Change is at the heart of all life...

We're serendipitously in the heart of the Lion's Gate energy of change and ready to share the next evolution of Susan Dawn Spiritual Connections, incuding where we've been, how we're shifting, and what's to come...

For the past six months, I've been working hard behind the scenes of SDSC for the next level of my business--an evolution that has come about from my own personal transformation and that I hope will further serve the community. Part of that evolution means letting go of old aspects of both myself and my work and going even deeper on others.

As a one-woman business, I'm dedicated to providing resources to support your soul growth journey, and how I've personally evolved over the nearly 7 years of SDSC's existence is reflected in the changes we've made along the way. If you know me well or have been around our community, you know I'm all about the depth of transformation, and what I've been creating will allow us to get back to our roots of service and community in profound ways.

More on that later...

In the meantime, I've been on the back-end of things, building a new foundation to gear up for this next-level of offerings. You might not have noticed much, and if you take a look around at our platforms, the changes might seem subtle, but they have a huge impact on the organization and flow of the business and how we're able to cultivate a sacred space and community in support of transforming your journey in the most profound and positive ways possible.

  • Our free YouTube collective readings and channelings have a new cohesive look and are organized into new playlists. I've removed some older features and series, saying goodbye to those outdated versions of our journey, while archiving others, and I've cleaned up the content so everything is clear, fresh, and you can easily find the timeless support and resources you're looking for.

  • We'll be continuing on YouTube with Sacred Union Energy Updates, Ascension Relationship Energy Updates, Soul Path Readings, and adding Ascension Energy Updates (which emerge in our work naturally, but they'll now have their own playlist and intentioned readings).

  • Please remember that I channel for the sacred union path of Ascension. Ascension is at the heart of the journey with sacred union/twin flames/conscious relationships being the activating catalyst and path for this soul growth. Please consider our teachings/channelings in context of the full body of our work, and always take what resonates for your truth, trusting your soul's path.

For years now, we've had the Ascension Connections sacred space on our website as a place for you to go deeper on your journey of transformation. We've recently updated this section with even more resources, intuitively organized for easy navigation.

Because my goal is to always provide in-depth, high-value content that serves in continuous support of your soul's growth, select content will now only be available through this Ascension Connections Portal.

I've been there myself: the constant scroll and rapid consumption of social media and the diluge and discard of information that's prevelant in today's landscape means we don't always take the time to sit with and reflect on what's being presented, to think for ourselves and apply it to our lives.

Which is why I wanted to create a space with intention--where you're mindfully choosing to invest your time or energy in support of your personal journey, and where you'll always have easy-access to the resources you want.

  • I've packaged sacred channelings along with relevant Light Language Transmissions so you can not only receive the messages you need at any given moment, but have the additional resource of healings and clearings with our transmissions. These sacred channelings are available in our free Resource Library.

  • All of our Light Language Transmissions are now housed in our free Light Language Library so you can easily access and return to the one that you want at any given time.

  • New free resources are constantly being added to these libraries, and when you sign up and choose the programs you want, they'll be available in your Dashboard for the lifetime of your account. Everything is housed in one place, customized to your personal journey!

  • Explore the rest of the Ascension Connections Portal for additional resources such as meditations, transmission series, workshop replays, video bundles, and more.

It's been a long, difficult decision that I've wrestled with for over a year. Change is hard for me, but I also know it's necessary. I've decided to close the Patreon for good, as my focus and attention is turning from content creation (readings, channelings) and more towards personal support for your sacred journey.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has been part of our Patreon community, either presently or in the past. It has been an absolute honor to be part of your experience in this sacred space with you, and it's my hope that what we're creating allows us to go even deeper in that sacredness.


  • Billing for current members had been put on hold since March of 2024 in which you've had continued access to nearly 200 member-only pick-a-piles, specific scenario readings, and YouTube extended readings. With the closure of our Patreon membership, this content will no longer be available. You will have until August 15, 2024 to continue to view this content for free.

  • Patreon Members: You don't need to do anything to cancel your Patreon membership. The Patreon will be removed and your membership will be automatically cancelled--thank you for being part of this community!

  • Beginning August 15, 2024, all Patreon-exclusive readings will be available through a new membership as part of our Susan Dawn Spiritual Connections YouTube channel for $6.99/month. As of now, this new membership will remain an archive-only of these past (timeless) readings, and I won't be adding additional content, though this might change in the future.

The heart of my work will always remain the same, but I'm making some changes to better accommodate where we're going versus where we've been...

I'm so excited to share that I'll soon be announcing a new sacred membership for those who wish to go deeper on their union and ascension journey in a sacred community with workshops and programs, livestream channelings, and opportunities for group and personal coaching with me!

Three levels will be available so you can choose which best suits your personal path.

More details will be available in the weeks to come.


Want to join the membership when it launches? As a thank you to the Patreon community, I'm offering a discount for the first month of the membership for current Patreon members in the Spiritual Connections and Ascension Connections Tiers.

Discount: $11.11

You'll then decide whether you'd like to cancel or continue at the full membership price.

Simply email me once the membership launches for the coupon code at sign-up.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being part of this beautiful community! It's my hope that you join us in the next evolution of Susan Dawn Spiritual Connections as we strive to support your own evolution in meaningful ways.



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