This new year, I hope you find the courage for your new beginning--whatever that looks like to you. I hope you are brave enough to leap forward into a life where anything and everything is possible.
This year, I hope you choose to spend your precious time with precious ones--those who light up your soul and remind you how loved you are. I hope you have the courage to let go of the ones who don't and welcome into your heart those who do.
This year, I hope you hold your head high and fearlessly express yourself for everything that you are. I hope you recognize how special you are, as you are. I hope you see that you are worthy and deserving of the life you build for yourself, and if you're not where you want to be yet, I hope you find the perseverance and tenacity to keep going.
I hope you live your dreams.
I hope you nurture your sacred heart.
I hope you believe in yourself.
This year and always, I wish you everything beautiful that life can offer.
Here's to the life we dare to dream, and the life we find the courage to pursue.
May they be one in the same.
Happy New Year!